Edition No.42

Edition No.42

We’re sourcing the finest emerging talent in the world of distillers to help craft our newest boutique gins. This month’s selection is the brainchild of one of our emerging recruits, who boasts a sweet tooth, a subsequent love of desserts and a knack for crafting citrus gins – which just happen to be the perfect way for a burgeoning distiller to kick off their career. Key limes are known for being markedly fragrant and sweet-smelling, are a perfect ingredient for the refreshing pie they're most known for, and for which this month’s gin gets its name. Key lime pie is the lime equivalent of lemon meringue pie, is as tasty as it sounds; we’ve captured its essence, and shifted it from the dessert table to behind the bar. Best of both worlds, right there.
Juniper, Coriander Seed, Orris, Lemon Myrtle, Wattleseed, Vanilla, Keylime, Finger lime, Desert lime
Pot & Vapour
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